Online Journals and Blogs

Publishes high quality applied sociology, focusing on theoretical, empirical and methodological discussions which engage with current political, cultural and intellectual topics and debates.
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blog, resources, reviews and research (in French) : sociology and anthropology of health, illness and deviance
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Studia z Polityki Publicznej/Public Policy Studies is a journal that has published since 2014. The editors publish academic texts focused on the issues of broadly understood public policy in its various dimensions.
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Todos los avances estratégicos en ciencia, tecnología y sociedad
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How is seen and lived home for people moving a lot?
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Published without interruption since 1969, The Greek Review of Social Research is the oldest Greek journal for the social sciences and one of the first to adopt the blind peer reviews system. The Greek Review of Social Research is supported by public funds and has no publication charges or fees.
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The longest-established sociological journal in Britain. A subscription provides 4 issues a year plus 2 special book issues.
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An interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal devoted to the discussion of theory, science, and social change.
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YJS, an online full-text journal, publishes innovative research by the Yale Sociology Dept. It includes articles by J. Alexander, K.U. Mayer, on topics from cultural sociology to life course research.
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Category Stats

Listings: 80
Regular: 77
Reciprocal: 3
Last listing added: Mar 25, 2021